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2018 대한천식알레르기학회 춘계학술대회

일자 : 2018년 5월 10일(목) ~ 12일(토)

장소 : 서울 그랜드힐튼호텔

영문 사이트로 이동


Allergy across the lifespan

May 10, Friday

07:30 - 08:20 Meet the Expert
Disaggregating asthma: Big investigation vs. big data
(Adnan Custovic, UK)
Meet the Expert
I love my specialty - allergy!
(Pakit Vichyanond, Thailand)
Meet the Expert
The challenge of diagnosing angioedema
(Andrea Zanichelli, Italy)
08:20 - 08:40 Registration
08:40 - 10:40 PG course
좌장: 지영구(단국의대), 박용민(건국의대)
FIT Symposium
좌장: 유영(고려의대), 예영민(아주의대)
Recent advances of inflammation mechanisms in allergic diseases Session 1. Challenges in classification of asthma: from childhood to elderly
1. Skin tissue resident memory T cells (박창욱, 연세의대)
1. The changes of phenotype in childhood wheezing and asthma (김경훈, 가톨릭의대)
2. Regulation of Th2 and Th17 cell responses in allergic airway inflammation (정연석, 서울의대)
2. Characterizing the many faces of asthma in adults (이지향, 울산의대)
3. Regulation of immunological homeostasis by FoxP3+ regulatory T cells
(권호근, 연세의대)
Session 2. Journey to control atopic dermatitis: from childhood to elderly
4. Intracellular signaling-targeted biologic drug to control allergic inflammation (최제민, 한양대)
1. Development of atopic dermatitis: genetics or epigenetics (정성수, 울산의대)
2. Cytokine modulation of atopic dermatitis (이영수, 아주의대)
10:40 - 11:10 Coffee Break / Poster Session
11:10 - 11:50 Special Lecture 좌장: 최동철(성균관의대)
Diagnosis and management of beta lactam allergy: an overview for the allergist(Maria Torres, Spain)
12:00 - 12:50 Luncheon Symposium 1 좌장: 조상헌(서울의대)
Anti-IgE antibodies for the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria (정창규, 계명의대)
Luncheon Symposium 2 좌장: 이용철(전북의대)
The state of the art of HAE (Andrea Zanichelli, Italy)
12:50 - 13:10 Opening Remark
13:10 - 14:00 Plenary Lecture 1 좌장: 윤호주(한양의대), 박인원 (중앙의대) 
Growth and decline in lung function in persistent childhood asthma: A clue to COPD (Scott T. Weiss, USA)
14:00 - 14:30 Coffee Break / Poster Session
14:30 - 16:20 Oral Abstract Session 1
Predictors and clinical correlates of asthma
좌장: 이병재(성균관의대), Takao Fujisawa(Japan)
KAAACI-KAPARD Symposium 1 Allied Health Professional Symposium (Korean)
Lung function trajectories from cradle to grave
좌장: 정혜리(대구가톨릭의대), Scott T. Weiss(USA)
Session 1. Understanding basic concepts of allergic diseases to apply in clinical practice
좌장: 김상훈(을지의대)
1. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: The trigger of future lung function decline
(김경원, 연세의대)
1. Understanding pathophysiology of allergic diseases for better interpretation of test results
(권용은, 조선의대)
2. Factors associated with lung function decline in asthma
(최정희, 한림의대)
2. Pulmonary function tests - the principles, indications and interpretation (권지원, 서울의대)
3. Novel mechanisms and further refined phenotypes of elderly asthma (박흥우, 서울의대)
3. Prevention and treatment of possible adverse reactions including anaphylaxis, during allergic examination (박소영, 을지의대 )
16:20 - 16:50 Coffee Break / Poster Session
16:50 - 18:40 Oral Abstract Session 2
Revelatory insights for mechanisms of asthma
좌장: 김윤근(엠디헬스케어), Naoki Shimojo(Japan)
KAAACI-KAPARD Symposium 2 Session 2. Practical tips on education and procedures for patients with allergic diseases
좌장: 임대현(인하의대)
Drug hypersensitivity: State of the art in the 21st century
좌장: 조영주(이화의대), Maria Torres(Spain)
1. Education for food allergy
(한상미, 서울아산병원)
1. Old meets new: Desensitization for drug allergy (강혜련, 서울의대)
2. Daily care for atopic dermatitis
서울특별시 아토피천식교육정보센터)
2. Understanding radiocontrast media hypersensitivity as drug allergy (김태범, 울산의대)
3. Education for Inhaler techniques
(이선화, 경기도 아토피천식교육정보센터)
3. Drug allergy in children: What should we know?
(서동인, 서울의대)
4. Correct way to use nasal irrigation and intranasal sprays for allergic rhinitis (김영효, 인하의대)
5. Procedures and precautions for immunotherapy (박옥규, 세브란스병원)
6. Procedures and precautions for skin prick tests (공효정, 분당서울대병원)
18:40 - 19:10 Dinner Symposium 좌장: 박해심(아주의대)
New treatment strategy for mild asthma (김상헌, 한양의대)
19:10 - 21:00 Welcome Reception

Allergy across the lifespan

May 11, Saturday

07:30 - 08:20 Meet the Expert
BAT and LTT: are they ready to be used for diagnosis of drug allergy? (Maria Torres, Spain)
Meet the Expert
Tips for successful collaboration in medical research (Scott T. Weiss, USA)
Meet the Expert
Perspectives on immunotherapy in children with anaphylactic food allergy (Motohiro Ebisawa, Japan)
08:40 - 10:30 KAAACI-KAPARD Symposium 3 WPAS Symposium Oral Abstract Session 3
Atopic dermatitis and food allergy: following the evidence
좌장: 안강모(성균관의대),
장광천(NHIC 일산병원)

Oral Abstract Session 4
New faces to drug allergy
좌장: 박중원(연세의대), 고영일(전남의대)

Confronting unmet needs in the treatment of atopic dermatitis
좌장: 안영민(을지의대) , 남동호(아주의대)
Cutting-edge clinical research
좌장: 최병휘(중앙의대), 오재원(한양의대)
1. QoL of patients with atopic dermatitis by age(김현정, 차의대)
1. Simple means to improve care for our patients with allergic rhinitis (Pakit Vichyanond, Thailand)
2. Widening gaps between the hare and the tortoise: how clinicians catch up advances in basic research (이갑석, 중앙의대)
2. Th2 and innate immune responses in the pathogenesis of occupational asthma
(박해심, 아주의대)
3. Therapeutic intervention for atopic dermatitis to prevent atopic march (김지현, 성균관의대)
3. Precision Allergy Molecular Diagnostic Applications in food allergy (Motohiro Ebisawa, Japan)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break / Poster Session
11:00 - 11:50 Plenary Lecture 2 좌장: 나영호(경희의대)
The diverse trajectories of allergy across the life-course (Adnan Custovic, UK)
11:50 - 12:30 Luncheon Symposium 3 좌장: 김진택(가톨릭의대)
Ideal strategy for asthma patients’ treatment (Heung-Woo Park, Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
Luncheon Symposium 4 좌장: 이종명(경북의대)
Next-generation ARIA guidelines (Jean Bousquet, France)
12:30 - 13:20 KAAACI Award Ceremony / KAPARD General Assembly, KAPARD Award Ceremony
13:20 - 13:40 Coffee Break / Poster Session
13:40 - 15:30 KAAACI-KAPARD Symposium 4 INTERASMA-Seoul Allergy Forum 1 Oral Abstract Session 5
New paradigms in rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps
좌장: 정재원(인제의대), 김동영(서울의대)

Oral Abstract Session 6
Allergens and air pollution exposure, and their health impact
좌장: 김철우(인하의대), Wasu Kamchaisatian(Thailand)

Is there a causal link between allergic sensitization and allergic diseases ?
좌장: 홍수종(울산의대), Adnan Custovic(UK)
Practical pearls in the treatment of severe asthma
좌장: 조상헌(서울의대), Fulvio Braido(Italy)
1. Development of allergic sensitization in utero: Can it be prevented? (김효빈, 인제의대)
1. Establishing the diagnosis: when is it severe asthma? (Ken Ohta, Japan)
2. Sensitization patterns in children with diverse allergic diseases (Naoki Shimojo, Japan)
2. Optimal usage of inhalers in severe asthma (장윤석, 서울의대)
3. Chronological changes in allergic sensitization patterns
(이재현, 연세의대)
3. Clinical phenotypes of severe asthma in children
(Takao Fujisawa, Japan)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break / Poster Session
16:00 - 17:50 Oral Abstract Session 7
Peering into the future: Interventions for pediatric allergy and respiratory diseases
좌장: 김현희(가톨릭의대), 김창근(인제의대)

INTERASMA-Seoul Allergy Forum 2 Oral Abstract Session 8
Reshaping allergy practice: atopic dermatitis, food allergy, urticaria and anaphylaxis
좌장: 박준수(순천향의대), 유진호(울산의대)

Oral Abstract Session 9
From principles to practice: exploring mechanisms of asthma
좌장: 이춘근(USA), 조유숙(울산의대)

Precision medicine in allergic diseases
좌장: 동헌종(성균관의대), Ken Ohta(Japan)
1. Challenges for uncontrolled upper airway inflammation: Allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
(김수환, 가톨릭의대)
2. Optimal allergens for diagnostic testing and biomarkers of response to allergen immunotherapy (이재천, 제주의대)
3. Biologics targeting allergic diseases: Indications and applications (Fulvio Braido, Italy)
17:50 - 18:00 Closing

[03121] 서울특별시 종로구 지봉로 29(창신동) 금호 팔레스 빌딩 1705호 전화 : 02) 747-0528 / 팩스 : 02) 3676-2847 / E-mail :